Zaubertricks für Zauberkünstler

DVD Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls Fr. 55.--

Diese DVD ist zwar in englischer Sprache man muß aber nicht wirklich Englisch verstehen können denn die Kunststücke werden hier so gut im Bild erklärt das man den Ton auch weglassen kann.


Es werden Ihnen hier etliche wirklich sehenswerte Varianten mit den Schwammbällen gezeigt und natürlich auch erklärt. Die Tricks funktionieren alle ohne größere Fingerfertigkeit und sind deswegen nicht nur für Kinder geeignet sondern auch für die nächste Party oder den nächsten Geburtstag.


Es werden Wanderungen, Vermehrungen, Färbungen und vieles mehr gezeigt. Für alle die die mehr über die tollen Möglichkeiten der Spongeballs wissen möchten ist diese DVD ein Muß.



Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls


Bestellung bei: oder per Telefon: 079 310 29 48

DVD Encyclopedia of Sponge Balls Magie Fr. 45.--

Ben Salinas zeigt auf dieser englischsprachigen DVD nicht nur die Standartgriffe der Sponge Ball Magie. Viele Extras und Finessen werden Ihnen auf leicht verständliche Art und  Weise präsentiert. Egal ob Sie Anfänger oder Profizauberkünstler sind, diese DVD bietet für jede Trainingsstufe das richtige Material.


Zusätzlich zur DVD erhalten Sie noch kostenlos drei Packungen mit vier Schwammbällen, so dass Sie sofort loslegen können.


Auf dieser DVD werden mehr als 30 Griffe gezeigt z.B.:

The Garcia Master Move

The one, two, three vanish

Quick Vanish

The Bold Vanish

Mike Tannes In Move

Two to Nothing

The Gaff Vanish

Bluff Vanish

und viele weitere mehr...

Sie lernen 20 verschiedene Routinen z.B.:

The Magic 10 Count (der Klassiker in der Schwammballmagie)

Hanky Panky

Head to Head

Veil of Darkness

Bill Surprise

und viele weitere mehr...

Wenn Sie bisher noch keine Erfahrung mit Schwammbällen (Sponge Balls) gemacht haben, ist es höchste Zeit damit anzufangen. Let's Sponge.





ca. 2,5 Stunden


Bestellung bei: oder per Telefon: 079 310 29 48

DVD Vanish Fr. 45.--

It takes several components. First, you must have an incredible method that fools everyone. Second, you need an emotional hook that insures that your audience cares about watching your performance. But the one thing that really makes a trick a classic is that it gets an incredible reaction...guaranteed.


iVanish meets and exceeds all three components.


First let's talk about the methods. There are three methods included in iVanish and each method is totally different from the others. In fact the solutions are so different that each method absolutely cancels out the other two! This is great for repeat performances.


Each method is incredibly clean. You hands are completely empty immediately after each vanish. All three methods are done standing. Of course you can use iVanish while seated but there is no lapping. Each vanish actually looks like trick photography!


One of the best features of iVanish is that all three methods are really easy to perform, in fact anybody can do it! I know many magicians are afraid of visual coin magic but iVanish does not require years of knuckle busting practice. You'll be up to speed in no time at all!


Second, what's the emotional hook that iVanish creates that will guarantee you're audience will be riveted to your performance. It's simple. When we're all kids we've had it drilled into our heads to never, ever put anything into your eye. Using the iVanish techniques you'll be able to rub or shove a coin directly into your eye! People are forced to watch. Some squirm, some will wince, many will cringe but they'll all watch. It's like a car wreck. Everybody slows down to see what's going on. iVanish is part geek, part magic but 100% a showstopper. They simply have to watch. It's human nature.


Third, is the reaction. iVanish isn't standing ovation type material. It's "Oh, my God" material. People absolutely freak.


iVanish can be applied to many routines as a great solution or addition. For instance, it's a tremendous solution to the last coin in a 3 Fly routine. It can be used to great effect in any one coin routine such as Slydini's or Gary Kurtz's Flurious. The applications are almost endless.


The iVanish DVD contains a live show that combines iVanish with an idea from the legendary Mac King that destroys the audience. The reaction is through the roof. The routine is logical, amazing and's wonderful.


Now we'd like to introduce you to the creator of iVanish, Ben Seidman. Ben has been in the Las Vegas underground for the last few years. He recently graduated from UNLV with a degree in Theater. Ben is a tremendous magician that oozes talent and when he's not busy creating miracles for us he's working full time as a magic consultant for Criss Angel's Mindfreak show. iVanish is his first release to the magic community but he's got a lot of other cutting edge magic in his brain. You'll be hearing a lot about him very soon.


Here are some answers to some common questions.


Q: Can iVanish be done with objects other than coins?

A: Yes, but there are limitations. We can't give too many details without spilling the all of the beans but you have to take size, weight and shape into consideration. For instance you could do it with a poker chip. A shard of broken glass may not be a good object...


Q: Can iVanish be performed with dollar?

A: Yes, iVanish can be done with quarters, half dollars or dollar sized coins.


Q: Can I purchase the iVanish DVD and perform it on my TV special?

A: No, the television performing rights are strictly reserved. Contact Bob Kohler Magic.


Q: Can I perform iVanish with a borrowed coin?

A: Yes. Ben goes into extreme detail on the subject


Q: Is iVanish angle proof?

A: Yes and No. Each method has it's own strengths and weaknesses. For instance Ben's original method isn't angle proof for 360 degrees but it's very practical for the real world. 90% of the time Ben uses the original iVanish technique. However the second technique is called iBlind. As stunning as iVanish is and it really is stunning iBlind takes it up a notch. However the price you have to pay is it's not quite as practical. iDitch is 100% angle proof and is stunning too.


Q: I'm new to magic. Do I need other reference materials to learn what's taught on the iVanish DVD?

A: No, everything you need to know is explained in minute detail. Nothing is left out. The DVD was shot in the HD studio at Bob Kohler Magic.




- Introduction

- i Cream Show

- i Blind

- i Ditch

- i Vanish

- Full Explanations


Running Time Approximately 33 minutes



Featured on TV on the hit show MAGIC OUTLAWS on the Travel Channel.


Bestellung bei: oder per Telefon: 079 310 29 48